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Posted by Unknown Senin, 05 November 2012 0 komentar

          Also known as Razez, full name Abubakar Muhammad Zakaria Al Razi. A Muslim doctor of medicine can be said to be the father of islam. Razi was born in 864 AD in Razchusan (Iran) and died in 923 AD.
           Razi has research / discovery 237 kinds of scientific articles that are scattered in museums Rome, London, Lieden, Egypt and others. In the field of lainada writing / inventions such as Philosophy, Physics, Mathematics and science Falak. Numerous "firsts" in medical research, clinical care, and chemistry are attributed to him, including being the first to differentiate smallpox from measles, and the discovery of numerous compounds and chemicals including kerosene

Razi's book: al-Judari wa al-Hasbah (On Smallpox and Measles) was the first book describing smallpox and measles as distinct diseases.
He was also a pioneer of ophthalmology. He was among the first to use Humoralism to distinguish one contagious disease from another. In particular, Razi was the first physician to distinguish smallpox and measles through his clinical characterization of the two diseases. He became chief physician of Rey and Baghdad hospitals.
he could have been blinded by steaming vapors during an accident in one of his experiments.
Razi contributed in many ways to the early practice of pharmacy by compiling texts, in which he introduces the use of 'mercurial ointments' and his development of apparatus such as mortars, flasks, spatulas and phials, which were used in pharmacies until the early twentieth century .
As a teacher in medicine, he attracted students of all disciplines and was said to be compassionate and devoted to the service of his patients, whether rich or poor.Razi was then a Shaikh (title given to one entitled to teach), surrounded by several circles of students.

            Razi was the first physician stating the music can be a method of treatment. Razi is a musician reliably, from the research and experience of playing music in the middle of the patient for comfort, so the more calm the mind so it can help the healing process of the patient. But  Razi know in writing stated, "The music just is not the way to treat the ideal, there must be other things to support operations and other examples".

            At that time the issue was very influenced by the doctor's treatment as zimat superstition, and mystical incantations. That has no logic and scientific basis. Razi create a new paradigm in the treatment of a scientific discovery, so many patients coming from Asia and Europe. The government in power at that time gave credence to build hospitals razi as its leader.

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